VOICES Tournament Schedule For Saturday, April 6

Download the schedule for the State Tournament here: https://www.novanorth.org/wp/wp-content/uploads/2024/04/VOICES-Schedule-040624.pdf

Permanent link to this article: https://www.novanorth.org/wp/?p=9512

2024 Regional Tournament Results Posted

Scores have been posted for the Regional Tournament for Nova North (Region 9) and and Nova South (Region 12): https://www.novanorth.org/wp/?page_id=9479.

Permanent link to this article: https://www.novanorth.org/wp/?p=9486

Tournament Schedule is Posted

The tournament schedule is posted on the Nova North website under the Coaches menu.  The direct link is https://www.novanorth.org/wp/?page_id=9455.

Permanent link to this article: https://www.novanorth.org/wp/?p=9466

Deadline Extended – Order Tournament T-shirts by February 10

The last day to order t-shirts for the tournament has been extended to February 10.  See https://www.novanorth.org/wp/?page_id=8747 for details and order form.(Note: this is the logo superimposed on a picture of a T-shirt, not an actual finished T-shirt.)

Permanent link to this article: https://www.novanorth.org/wp/?p=9405

Office Hours for Coaches on February 1

This week’s Office Hours for coaches will be on practice.  Coaches will also have time to ask any questions they have.  As before, the meeting will start at 7:30 pm and will run for an hour.  The link for the meeting is https://meet.google.com/zzu-zruw-dts. The schedule for the whole series is listed on this page:  https://www.novanorth.org/wp/?page_id=9195.

Permanent link to this article: https://www.novanorth.org/wp/?p=9418