Here are some things that are very helpful and will make your job as coordinator run very smoothly:
- Touch base with your coaches frequently, particularly with first-time coaches who may be less secure. It is important to head off small problems before they become big ones and to know how teams are progressing.
- Keep school administrators apprised of the progress your teams are making. Invite them to rehearsals and invite them to be mock spontaneous tournament judges. The more involved they become, the more supportive of Odyssey of the Mind they will be.
- Let teachers know which of their students are participating in Odyssey. Students are always happy to be asked about their progress. Invite teachers to the Regional Tournament and supply them with maps and tournament schedules.
- Help your teams find judges! It is often easier to have one person contact the school or local organizations to determine if teachers or other community volunteers would like to serve as judges.
- Remind your coaches that they will need to reserve a room at their school in advance if they would like to schedule a dress rehearsal there.
- Make a point of reminding parents how much time the coaches are generously giving to their children.
- With the coaches, see that all team members receive some sort of recognition of their participation in your membership’s Odyssey of the Mind program (e.g., a certificate).
- Regardless of the outcome of the competitions, list in the school newsletter or local newspaper the names of ALL students who participated in Odyssey of the Mind and competed at the Regional Tournament.
- Remind teams to send thank you notes to anyone whose assistance you valued, especially judges.
- Last, but most definitely not least, remind EVERYONE (coaches, judges, parents, and yourself) that fun and learning, not winning trophies, are at the heart of the Odyssey of the Mind experience.