Test Yourself: How Well Do You Know the Rules?

This learning tool is designed to allow you to test and fine-tune your understanding of the rules that govern the Odyssey of the Mind program. Coaches and team members are encouraged to attend information sessions and to carefully read available materials while preparing for competition.

Explanations are provided for each question. Most will also provide relevant references within the Odyssey of the Mind Program Guide, NOVA North regional rules and/or Problem descriptions and limitations.

1. The limitations section of a long-term problem indicates that “overtime is permitted”. If a team presents a required element at the eight and a half minute mark, how will the performance be scored?

Select only one answer.



2. Which of the following statements is true regarding NOVA North rules related to pressurized gas?

Select all that apply.



3. Which option is true about the spontaneous competition for Divisions 1 and above?

Select only one answer.



4. Judges may stop a performance and/or prevent a team/team member from performing if:

Select all that apply.



5. When can coaches find out their team’s Spontaneous Competition score?

Select only one answer.



6. Which of the following tournament scheduling requests is NOT likely to result in a special accommodation for the team?

Select only one answer.



7. At NOVA North tournaments flash photography is allowed:

Select all that apply.



8. Which of the following are valid ways for teams to prepare for the spontaneous competition while avoiding outside assistance?

Select all that apply.



9. Which of the following is a valid coaching technique for helping teams decide how to move forward when they have a disagreement?

Select all that apply.



10. The behavior of which individual(s) associated with a team may result in the assessment of an Unsportsmanlike Conduct or Outside Assistance Penalty against that team?

Select all that apply.



11. A team wants to make something that requires a special cut that would be much easier with a power tool no one on the team is familiar with. As a coach, what approach(es) are allowable within the Odyssey rules and spirit?

Select all that apply.



12. Which of the following is permitted based on guidelines in the Program Guide?

Select all that apply.



13. Which of the following is considered to be Outside Assistance on tournament day?

Select all that apply.



14. Which of the following is true regarding tournament Long-Term paperwork?

Select only one answer.



15. Which is true in NOVA North Region 9 regarding tournament registration?

Select all that apply.



16. A team member wears “footy” pajamas and makeup as a tiger costume. Will the team member be permitted to perform in that costume?



17. A team with six members adds a team member on the day of the tournament because one of the original team members is sick. Will this new team member be permitted to perform (even though she was not part of the team all season)?



18. A seven-member team reports for spontaneous and discovers that it is a “hands on” problem. Only four team members like to do hands-on problems. Are they permitted to compete with four team members?



19. The coach and team disagree with one of the style scores. Can they appeal the score and ask for reconsideration?



20. A team pre-records a song and dance that is required for the problem and plays it as part of the eight-minute performance. Will the song and dance be scored as long as the recording is of one or more team members?



21. At the tournament a student’s eyeglasses fall and break. The glasses are decorated and, therefore, are part of the student’s costume. A parent uses duct tape to put together the glasses so they can be worn. This assistance is brought to the attention of the judging team. Is this a clear example of Outside Assistance?



22. A team plays a pre-recorded (commercial) karaoke tape in its solution without providing evidence that they have received permission from the copyright owner to use it. Is this OK?



23. A team’s solution is based on “The Tortoise and the Hare.” As a prop, the team brings a pet turtle, safely enclosed in a covered terrarium so it cannot escape. Is this permitted?



24. If a team damages a floor, even if it was unintentional, may they receive a penalty?



25. A team has created playbills, which were listed as a required style element for their long-term problem. They distribute them to the judges and audience as part of their performance. Will the playbills be considered for score?



26. A teams alters the style form to meet its needs but provides all the required information. Is this acceptable?



27. Each team must display a membership sign that is readable from a minimum of 25 feet away during the presentation of its long-term solution. Is this correct?



28. The lighting in performance sites will be the same for all teams, even if a team requests in writing prior to the tournament that  the lights be dimmed. Is this true?


29. In NOVA North, it is understood that all performance sites will provide electrical outlets and internet access for teams. Is this true?



30. Must all teams perform within the minimum performance area size — such as 7’ x 10’ — stated in the problem?



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