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2025 Registered Teams

Please see below the list of teams that have officially registered for the 2025 NoVA North Regional Tournament. If you have any questions regarding your registration or the tournament, please contact our Tournament Director. More information will be posted on the Regional Tournament event page as it becomes available.

You can click the headers of each column to sort the table in alphabetical/numerical or reverse order. You can also use the search field below to filter the entries based on what you type.

Note: Registration information is updated manually, so you will not see your team listed here immediately after you register; please allow a few days. Payment information is updated separately from registration information, so even if you pay online at the time of registration, there may be a delay between when you see your team listed here and when you see the Paid column updated. The registration fee can be paid online or by mailing a check. Click here for payment details or to pay online.

UPDATED 1/21/2025

School/OrganizationMembership IDProblemDivisionCoachTeam ID#Paid?
Forestville Elementary School76809591Cooking with Books2Gussman8Yes
Powell Elementary School77663695AstronOMical Odyssey!1Korlepara14Yes
Sangster Elementary School76976276AstronOMical Odyssey!1Baroang15Yes
Forestville Elementary School77519408It's a Wonderful World!PrimaryYang17
Lake Braddock Secondary School76568263Cooking with Books2Chong18
Oak Hill Elementary School78026031Mech-Animal Sidekick1Faraday21Yes
Kilmer Middle School76806666AstronOMical Odyssey!2Dulaney24Yes
Westbriar Elementary School76553090Mech-Animal Sidekick1Dulaney25Yes
Lake Braddock Secondary School76568263AstronOMical Odyssey!2Hersh26
Westbriar Elementary School76553090Mech-Animal Sidekick2Dulaney27Yes
Lemon Road Elementary School76540854Mech-Animal Sidekick1Falkler28
Floris Elementary School77016953The OM-Mazing Race1Satyal29Yes
Powell Elementary School77663695Cooking with Books2Balagurunathan30
Floris Elementary School77016953It's a Wonderful World!PrimaryShah31Yes
Haycock Elementary School77173207Save Me Structure1Sarkar37Yes
McNair Elementary School A77546871Mech-Animal Sidekick1Thirumoorthy39Yes
Sangster Elementary School76976276Mech-Animal Sidekick1Aromando40Yes
McNair Elementary School B78109263Mech-Animal Sidekick1Naidu41Yes
Sangster Elementary School76976276Save Me Structure1Aromando42Yes
Kilmer Middle School76806666The OM-Mazing Race2Phan44Yes
Lemon Road Elementary School76540854The OM-Mazing Race1McGettigan45
McNair Elementary School A77546871Cooking with Books1Padigela46Yes
Holy Trinity Home School77059905Cooking with Books3Balint48Yes
McNair Elementary School A77546871It's a Wonderful World!PrimaryRamamoorthy49Yes
McNair Elementary School A77546871AstronOMical Odyssey!1Aggarwal50Yes
McNair Elementary School B78109263Cooking with Books1
Oak Hill Elementary School78026031AstronOMical Odyssey!1Nagargadde55Yes
McNair Elementary School A77546871It's a Wonderful World!PrimaryVijai57Yes
Forestville Elementary School76809591The OM-Mazing Race1Kurian58
Oak Hill Elementary School78026031The OM-Mazing Race1Kannekanti59Yes
Adventures in Leadership77754598The OM-Mazing Race2Coyle62
Floris Elementary School77016953AstronOMical Odyssey!1Kala64Yes
McNair Elementary School A77546871AstronOMical Odyssey!1Mujeeb65
McNair Elementary School A77546871It's a Wonderful World!PrimaryDasgupta68Yes
Lemon Road Elementary School76540854Mech-Animal Sidekick2Doble69
Oak Hill Elementary School78026031Save Me Structure1Kye73Yes
Lemon Road Elementary School76540854Save Me Structure1Bowen74
McAuliffe Elementary School77452281The OM-Mazing Race1Lehr75
McAuliffe Elementary School77452281Mech-Animal Sidekick1Lehr76
McAuliffe Elementary School77452281AstronOMical Odyssey!1Lehr78
Forestville Elementary School76809591Cooking with Books1Bankeroglu79Yes
Lemon Road Elementary School76540854Cooking with Books1Busch82
Marshall Road Elementary School77170542It's a Wonderful World!PrimaryHexel84
Marshall Road Elementary School77170542Cooking with Books1Hexel85
Marshall Road Elementary School77170542AstronOMical Odyssey!2Hexel86
Marshall Road Elementary School77170542The OM-Mazing Race1Hexel87
Haycock Elementary School77173207AstronOMical Odyssey!2Sabharwal89

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